We are a charity dedicated to connecting the supply directly to the demand, by collecting safe-to-eat surplus food from F&B outlets all over the city and deliver to those in need. The benefits are twofold — while reducing hunger, we also reduce the pressure on our city’s landfills.
The amount of food waste arising from the commercial and industrial sectors has increased over 10 years – from less than 850 tons per day in 2007, to about 1,070 tons per day in 2019.
Food assistance for the vulnerable has never been more vital during the 5th wave. From now till 25 March 2022, for every dollar you contribute, DBS HK will match it...
🎉 感謝鴻福堂的愛心支持!🎉 鴻福堂Hung Fook Tong 向我哋膳心連支持1.5L 蘋果馬蹄無花果茶和 1.5L 雪梨菊花茶,讓我哋可以轉贈畀社區有需要嘅人士。喺早前,我哋已經將呢批飲品全數派發畀深水埗嘅低收入人士手中🙏❤️ 。 香港天氣持續酷熱,補充番足夠水份真係好重要!呢次派發活動實在係來得及時,清涼同解渴之外,亦降火潤肺,促進每一位受惠者嘅健康、!🍏🍐🥤 再次感激鴻福堂嘅善舉,將溫暖同關懷帶畀我哋嘅社區🌟🤝! #鴻福堂 #膳心連 #鴻福堂蘋果馬蹄無花果茶 #鴻福堂雪梨菊花茶 #愛心分享 #惜食
【眨下眼,暑假就快完啦📚🎉!】 你哋暑假過得開唔開心呢😊?有一班小朋友就過咗個超有意義嘅暑假,不單止邊玩邊學,仲獲得好多環保知識,兼回饋社會添🌍💚! 其實都係因為我哋膳心連喺暑假期間準備咗一系列活動同工作坊,幫小朋友變身環保小達人👦👧 !佢哋學識咗用咖啡渣做手工梘,做小步兵四出收集賣剩嘅麵包送畀有需要嘅人士,仲親手將收集番嚟賣唔去醜水果變成美味嘅軟糖,連同親手畫嘅祝福心意卡送畀有需要嘅低收入家庭小朋友,愛心滿滿🍞🍬🎨! 特別鳴謝 DBS、Bloomberg 、Starbucks 、Ella's Kitchen 等合作夥伴協助我哋活動嘅進行,亦都感謝每位小朋友和家長帶嚟嘅歡樂笑聲。期待下次活動再見 ! Hey kids! Hope you had a fantastic summer holiday📚🎉! Thanks to our amazing partners like DBS, Bloomberg, Starbucks, and Ella’s Kitchen, kids became eco-heroes 🌍💚 through various fun workshops
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