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Foodlink's News Feed

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

2 weeks 1 day ago


蛇年來到,Foodlink 團隊祝願您和家人健康喜樂、繁榮順遂!請大家繼續和我們一起除飢困、展歡容!

The year 2024 has been challenging for many underprivileged communities, including Foodlink. Despite these difficulties, we remain deeply grateful for the unwavering support of individuals like you. Your generosity has enabled us to reduce food waste, address hunger in meaningful ways, and empowered us to keep moving forward.

As the Year of the Snake approaches, the Foodlink team wishes you and your loved ones a healthy and blessed Year of the Snake!

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

2 weeks 5 days ago

🌟 Master Chef Challenge 2024: A Big Success! 🍳💚 Hosted by Compass Group Hong Kong Limited and coorganized by Foodlink, the Master Chef Challenge 2024 was not just a stage for culinary talents, but also an effort to foster positive vibes in our community✨! Six talented chefs from Compass Group created 2-course comfort food menus🍴✨, judged by celebrity chefs ⭐️ and mothers from underprivileged families. 🥘👩‍👧 The winning dishes — Chicken Veggie Roll and Pumpkin Feta Purée with Rice — were turned into 200 meal boxes 🎁🍱 and distributed by Foodlink to those in need, with support from the Jockey

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

3 weeks 6 days ago

🌾 Rice Packing with Love & Team Spirit! 🌾 We had the immense pleasure of organizing a rice packing session for the amazing colleagues of the Bank of Singapore 🎉! Last month, over 50 enthusiastic colleagues joined us, forming more than 10 teams to compete for the Top Winning Team Award🏆 — packing the highest number of 1kg rice bags from large sacks🌾. 💪 Everyone worked tirelessly, racing against the clock while ensuring precision and teamwork. But it wasn’t just about the competition — it was about making a difference. All the rice packed was instantly distributed by our Foodlink

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 2 days ago

🎉 The Power of Volunteering! 🎉 Last month, with coordination from Bloomberg, we had the incredible opportunity to unite volunteers from various business backgrounds from Nomura, UBS, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Kering, PwC, AXA, MTR, and more participated in a CSR activity co-organized by Foodlink at our office. Together, we handmade healthy energy bars and packed them into beautifully designed Christmas goodie bags, spreading love, joy, and happiness to children in need during the holiday season. 🎁💖 Seeing so many dedicated and passionate volunteers come together for a shared purpose was so inspiring and heartwarming. A big thank you to everyone

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 3 days ago

It's Friday, are you ready for the weekend? Weather forecast said it's gonna be cold these few days. Besides hot pot🍲, what else could bring us warmth🔥? For us, it's definitely fundraising efforts 🙌from a group of young students! We're impressed with their organization skills and compassion to care 💪for the less fortunate🥰. Big thanks to Luca and sister for your big hearts ❤️❤️


Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 1 week ago

聖誕節🎄永遠係一個特殊嘅日子,象徵著關愛與共融❤️,唔同背景、唔同際遇嘅人,都應該趁住呢個節日,平等地共享節日嘅溫暖同祝福,呢個亦都係膳心連上下一直以來堅持嘅價值觀。喺剛過去嘅呢個節日,我哋繼續透過一年一度嘅聖誕食物送暖行動,再一次送暖到社區🎁,特派出Foodlink聖誕車走訪多個酒店會所🎉,收集由佢哋廚師團隊精心製作嘅火雞🦃火腿🍖等等聖誕菜式,迅速送到我哋嘅受惠者,包括低收入家庭兒童👶、長者👴👵、復康人士同無家者手中。悉心安排換嚟每一位受惠者嘅摯誠感謝,我哋無不深受感動。 2025年,我們繼續承諾「除飢困,展歡容」🎉。 🎄Christmas food sharing symbolizes love❤️, caring🤝, and inclusion🌟. It celebrates togetherness, supports the less fortunate, and creates cherished memories with family and friends. Those are values deep in the heart of the Foodlink Team. On the special Christmas Day🎁, the Foodlink sleigh visited various hotels/clubs to collect their generously donated turkeys🦃/ham🍖, and swiftly delivered to our beneficiaries. These beneficiaries included children's home👶, elderly home👴👵, rehabilitation centres and homeless. We're touched by their gratefulness. Our dedication to combating hunger remains steadfast🎉. Special thanks to: Aberdeen Boat Club, Hong Kong The Foreign Correspondents' Club, Hong Kong Four Seasons Hotel Hong

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 2 weeks ago

❄️❄️有無諗過將今年聖誕嘅願望化做愛和祝福,再分享畀有需要嘅家庭🎄?yuu 會員喺12月24日「平安夜」🎅當日,透過你個app「yuu回饋」捐贈1 yuu積分予膳心連,yuu就會向膳心連多捐3分。只需舉手之勞,就可以將善舉倍大🎉,為社會有需要嘅人送上節日暖意,可樂而不為🤝💖?立即齊齊捐分,倍大善心🎁! ❄️❄️Have you ever thought about turning your Christmas wishes into love and blessings to share with others🎄? yuu members on December 24, "Christmas Eve," can donate 1 yuu point to Foodlink Foundation through "yuu Rewards" at yuu app, and yuu will donate an additional 3 points to Foodlink Foundation🎉. Let's spread joy this Christmas🎁! Donate points to amplify kindness and warmth.🤝💖 yuu app: m.yuu.hk/i7KY #yuu獎賞計劃 #yuuApp #yuuGiveBack #SpreadLove #CelebrateEverydaySpending #earnfast #Downloadyuu #foodlink

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 3 weeks ago

這幾個星期,膳心連基金一直忙個不停,除了完成一個戶外籌款活動之外,臨近聖誕我們也特意穿梭各區收集大批食物捐贈,並透過車隊迅速將食物禮品送出,為社區每一位有需要嘅朋友帶來一個Merry Christmas🔔 。 12月14日,我們首屆 「Miles for Meals 膳心跑」 活動於鰂魚涌「舍區」順利舉行,吸引了超過200位來自企業、家庭及個人參加者的參與。活動中,我們成功「拯救」了 近50噸(虛擬)剩食,相當於11萬份膳餐,並籌集善款以支持膳心連的工作。為體現共融,我們亦透過伙伴機構邀請了來自社區的長者及低收入家庭人士參與其中,他們不僅於起步點為參加者打氣,亦投入現場每個有趣的攤位遊戲,當中即影即有攤位更是大受歡迎!我們也派發福袋,為大家帶來節日的歡樂。在此感謝合作夥伴的鼎力支持,使這次活動取得圓滿成功。 趁著聖誕佳節,膳心連感謝您一直以來的支持。祝願您和摯愛的家人擁有一個溫馨的聖誕節! 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄 This Christmas, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. Your generosity has helped us rescue edible food waste and provide nourishment to those in need, spreading love, joy, and hope for a better tomorrow. On 14 December, our inaugural 'Miles for Meals' event at Quarryside brought together over 200 participants from corporations, families, and individuals. Together, we rescued 50 tonnes (virtual) surplus food, enabled us to provide 110,000 meals to the community. The event also embraced inclusion, with participants from underprivileged backgrounds, the elderly, and individuals

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 4 weeks ago


一家人做冬過節,梗係要加多幾味餸先夠盡興🎉!今年冬至嚟🥰 惠康超級市場 Wellcome Supermarket 掃貨🛒,除咗幫屋企團圓加餸,亦都為有基層人士加餸,一齊分享冬至快樂!


優惠期:13/12 - 19/12/2024

#食咗飯未 #Foodlink #Wellcome #冬至加餸

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

2 months 2 weeks ago



The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints introduced the first “Light the World” Giving Machines in Asia✨. This Machine features touchscreen that allow easy direct donation to help the underprivileged🎁💖. Visit us now for this new experience🌟!

Dates: Nov 15, 2024, to Jan 1, 2025
Venue: New Town Plaza, Phase 1, Shatin (in the open area between shops 107 & 110)