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Foodlink's News Feed

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 week 5 days ago



The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints introduced the first “Light the World” Giving Machines in Asia✨. This Machine features touchscreen that allow easy direct donation to help the underprivileged🎁💖. Visit us now for this new experience🌟!

Dates: Nov 15, 2024, to Jan 1, 2025
Venue: New Town Plaza, Phase 1, Shatin (in the open area between shops 107 & 110)

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

2 weeks 15 hours ago

【yuu+膳心連 聖誕糖果慈善工作坊🎅🏼】

聖誕節🎅🏼要過得有意義,當然係去搵一啲好好玩、又學到嘢、又要幫到人嘅嘢去做下啦🤝!大家想試下親手製作水果軟糖嘅話,絕對不能錯過由yuu聯同膳心連喺嚟緊聖誕嘅新搞作🎄---「聖誕糖果慈善工作坊」🍬!用20,000 yuu積分就兌換到工作坊名額一個,同社區客廳嘅基層兒童一齊製作唔同聖誕造型嘅水果軟糖!自己有得食,仲可以將糖果分享畀有需要家庭👨‍👩‍👧‍👦,咁有意義,仲唔take action🔜?

Are you ready to get into the holiday spirit🎅🏼 by having fun and supporting the community🤝 this Christmas🎄? Join yuu and Foodlink for the Christmas Gummy Charity Workshop NOW🍬! From now until December 4, you can redeem your spot for the workshop with 20,000 yuu points. Not only you'll get to enjoy yummy treats but also spread happiness by giving gummies to underprivileged families👨‍👩‍👧‍👦who need them. Join us NOW🔜.

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

2 weeks 4 days ago

【12.14 膳心連首屆城市定向籌款活動 - 一家大小齊報名!www.miles4meals.com/zh


活動將於鰂魚涌「舍區」舉行,組別分為「個人(1人)」或「家庭(2至4人)」,旨在以城市定向方式,讓參加者模擬膳心連司機的日常工作,在限定時間內到達最多的Check Point,當中包括酒店、會所餐廳、及學校飯堂等,收集虛擬「剩食」,並抵達終點。

活動時間:9:30am 開幕 | 10:00am 起跑 | 11:30am 完成行程 | 12:00 頒獎

💪個人組 - 必須18歲或以上 - 費用 HK$500
💪家庭組 - 成員須包括一名18歲或以上及一名18歲以下 - 費用 HK$750
- 可加增一名18歲或以上 (+HK$500) 或/及一名18歲以下 (+HK$250)

🏃 城市定向 - 在港島各地設有18個Checkpoint,各放有不同「重量」的虛擬「剩食」,參加者須限時內走完最多Checkpoint以累積虛擬「剩食」,返回「舍區」交收
🎪 攤位 - 大會場地「舍區」設有多個不同主題的NGO攤位,歡迎一家大小參觀

請即call齊朋友或一家大小報名,支持Foodlink減少浪費 + 減少飢餓的工作!

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金 is attending an event.

2 weeks 5 days ago

See our events page to sign up to our inaugural “Miles for Meals” charity walk! Proceeds from this event will be used to support our operations. As a charity based in Hong Kong, Foodlink is committed to providing nutritious and healthy meals to those in need while reducing wastage in the food service industry. Currently, we distribute 120,000 meals per month to vulnerable groups, including children, homeless, ethnic minorities, the elderly, and other disenfranchised communities. Simultaneously, we save 50 tonnes of edible food per month from being discarded into landfills, effectively reinforcing our commitment to sustainability. What sets this charity

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

3 weeks 20 hours ago

【OpenRice 25周年膳心滿載!🎊】

開講有話人生有幾多個25年?作為香港知名嘅飲食資訊平台OpenRice @openrice_hk ,用做善事方式去慶祝25歲生日當然最好不過啦🎉!因此佢哋特別舉辦咗一個義賣「OpenRice 25周年限定慈善版大富翁🎩」,不但大人👫小朋友👧🧒都啱玩,仲可以玩住做善事,因為OpenRice會將慈善版大富翁嘅義賣收益,扣除成本全數撥捐我哋膳心連基金。你每買一盒,等於捐助10餐營養豐富嘅熱食畀社會上有需要嘅人🍲。


#OpenRice #OpenRice25周年 #大富翁 #Foodlink #營養熱食 #生日快樂

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

4 weeks 1 day ago

【祝福嘅力量🌾】 對於中國人社會而言,米飯係主糧🍚,亦係每日不可或缺嘅能量來源,但現實係好多低收入家庭喺通脹下為求節省日常開支,於是減少食米量,少吃一餐甚至改食粥導致營養不良,情況嚴峻。 古今傳統上,饋贈白米都有穿吃無憂、多福米滿嘅寓意,係簡單而實在嘅祝福💖。感謝 HSBC @hsbc_hk 員工慷慨捐贈共3,000公斤白米🎁,並三小時馬拉松式分裝3,000包米🎉,透過膳心連即日派送全港各區共11間社區機構,令眾多基層朋友受惠🌟。 收米嘅人自然開心🥰,包米嘅每一位都係活力盡現,笑容滿盈😊,可見呢份祝福嘅力量💪🏼。 In Chinese culture, rice has its very significant value🍚, and it is a primary staple in Chinese cuisine. This is particularly so for underprivileged communities as rice is filling and provides essential calories and nutrients. It can be easily stored and is versatile in meals, helping to stretch limited food budgets. Rice is considered not just a food item but a blessing to the family💖. Our heartfelt gratitude to HSBC's generous donation of 3000 kg rice to beneficiaries across different districts 🎁. The dedication of their volunteers in repackaging the rice is truly

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 1 day ago

The exciting Master Chef Challenge is live! Stay tuned to see who will be the winning chef!

#compassgroup #聚首壹塘 #社區客廳 #明愛牛頭角社區中心 #愛心煮廚

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 5 days ago


雞蛋素來都係「超級食物」💪💪,營養十分豐富,而且不論春夏秋冬,煎煮蒸焗都啱食,仲好好食添。適逢每年嘅11月5日係「日本雞蛋日」「いいたまごの日」,Freds 日本卵 @freds_hk 向我哋膳心連基金Foodlink捐贈咗10,000隻❤美味又優質嘅「新紀元卵」日本雞蛋🥚🥚,我哋剛剛將雞蛋全數派發予有需要嘅家庭,長者,小朋友,,各位夜晚餐飯又可以多幾個唔同菜式喇! #新纪元卵

#日本雞蛋日 #Foodlink #FREDSHK #味珍味 #萬卵愛心暖萬家

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 6 days ago

商場消費儲儲埋埋咁多積分,除咗換禮物畀自己🎁,有冇諗過可以用喺更有意義嘅地方? 齊齊分享 The Point 積分畀膳心連❣️,幫助我哋喺各區拯救食物嘅工作,減少食物浪費🥦,仲可以為更多有需要嘅人得到溫飽,何樂而不為?

#ThePoint #新地商場 #剩食 #捐贈積分

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 2 weeks ago

正所謂人多好辦事,#迪士尼義工隊 確實係人多勢壯💪,幫我哋包咗2000包米🍚送畀社區有需要嘅家庭同小朋友!同你哋合作真係我地膳心連嘅榮幸,多謝大家嘅努力!🌟👏

Big shoutout to the incredible #DisneyVoluntEARS team 💪 for efficiently packing around 2,000 bags of 1kg rice 🍚 for families and children in need in our community last month. We are so proud to be your partner in this endeavor! 🌟👏