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Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 week 21 hours ago

📚 Join the "Readathon - Pages of the Mind" to Support Foodlink! ✨ Reading enriches our minds and helps our community! @sustainify.sdg 's 'Readathon - Pages of the Mind' promotes mental wellness among youth and raises funds for charities like Foodlink Foundation! 🌟 You can set a personal reading goal—pages or books—and donate based on your achievements. Sustainify will provide reading logs, donation logs, and book review templates. How to join: 1️⃣ Share an Instagram post to show your support 💪🏼 2️⃣ Submit a book review ✍🏼📖 For Primary School: 200 words (English) / 500 words (Chinese) For Secondary School:

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

3 weeks 22 hours ago

【真係「啡We Green」~】 膳心連基金一直以來都好努力喺各區收集可食用嘅剩食,然後捐畀有需要嘅社群。呢個過程真係需要好多餐飲、零售、社區團體同埋慈善機構嘅支持同信任,我哋先可以做到咁多嘢。 7-Eleven Hong Kong係我哋膳心連嘅好夥伴,佢哋一直都全力支持我哋,讓我哋去佢哋門市收集短期食物同剩餘麵包,派畀有需要嘅人。所以,感謝7-Eleven邀請膳心連參與《啡We Green咖啡渣再生企劃》成為慈善合作夥伴,我哋即刻覺得可以發揮我哋嘅強項,連結更多嘅慈善機構,令成件事變得更有影響力,幫助更多嘅人🎉。所以,真係好榮幸可以參與呢個Project! 計劃好有意義,將7CAFÉ嘅咖啡渣收集並處理,變成有機肥料,送去我哋另一個長期合作夥伴 — 老友記慈善農莊 — 種植新鮮有機蔬菜,然後透過我哋膳心連,送去畀社區上有需要嘅朋友。🌱🥗 請大家支持呢個環保又有愛心嘅《啡We Green》計劃啦!一齊幫助超過10,000名有需要嘅朋友💚,提供營養蔬菜膳餐🍲,同時建立一個綠色循環🌍,為地球出一分力啦!🌿🤝 Foodlink Foundation has always been working hard to collect surplus food from various districts and donate it to those in need. This whole process relies on the trust and support from many restaurants, retail stores, community organizations, and charities. 7-Eleven is one of our great partners. They’ve been supporting us by letting us collect short-dated food and surplus bread from their stores, which we then distribute to people in need. So, when 7-Eleven proposed the ‘Grounds to Green’ Coffee Grounds Upcycling Program, we knew we could

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

4 weeks 1 day ago


Foodlink連同Ella's Kitchen會喺8月3日(星期六)舉辦一個「親子糖果工作坊」!歡迎6-12歲嘅小朋友同埋屋企人一齊參加!我哋會教你點樣製作繽紛嘅糖果,令你成為真正糖果大師!🎉🍬最後成品仲會送贈畀弱勢社群,令更多人分享到由你哋親手炮製嘅甜蜜滋味!❤️

唔好錯過啊!名額有限,快啲憑購買Ella’s Kitchen產品嘅收據, 報名參加啦,🌈🍭

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 5 days ago

🎉 端午節係長者們最期待嘅日子之一😃💁,能夠蒸番一個足料嘅裹蒸糉食下,簡直快樂無比!🎋 趁著節日,我哋膳心連聯同富臨集團喺五旬節聖潔會靈光堂搞咗個超級開心嘅大Party🎉畀鑽石山區嘅長者 。除咗玩遊戲💡🎉,仲有驚喜嘅抽獎環節,場面非常熱鬧,長者們個個開心到見牙唔見眼😆。當然唔少派福袋同埋「富臨端陽糉」,人人有份,禮物攞到手軟🎁! 特別鳴謝富臨集團嘅慷慨支持,令到呢個活動更加精彩!🙏 🎉 Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important days for the elderly 😃💁, and being able to enjoy a delicious, fully-stuffed rice dumpling brings them immense joy! 🎋 To celebrate it, Foodlink teamed up with Fulum Group to throw a super fun party🎉 for the elderly in Diamond Hill at the Ling Kwong Pentecostal Holiness Church . Besides playing games 💡🎉, we had a surprise lucky draw that kept the atmosphere lively, making the elderly smile from ear to ear 😆. Of course, we also distributed goodie bags and "Fulum Dragon Boat Dumplings,"

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 2 weeks ago

🎉🐉 【端午節快樂!| Happy Dragon Boat Festival!】 🐉🎉

端午節來臨,係時候準備美味端午糉應下節🌟🍚!一家人包吓糉過節當然係唔錯嘅選擇,但能夠將多出嘅糉子,分享畀社會上有需要幫助嘅人,咁節日就變得更加有意義喇。❤️ 🥢💕


As the Dragon Boat Festival approaches, it's a wonderful tradition for families to come together and make delicious zongzi to celebrate 🌟🍚, but it would be even more meaningful to share the extra zongzi with people in need in our society. ❤️ 🥢💕

Foodlink sends warm wishes to everyone for a joyful holiday, and may good things come your way.

#端午節 #膳心連 #節日快樂 #HappyDragonBoatFestival

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 3 weeks ago

見到小朋友嘅笑容,真係無敵療癒,原來快樂係咁簡單🙌🙌。上星期,我哋Foodlink聯同 yuu 團隊搞咗個超開心嘅小派對🎉🎉🎉畀基層家庭嘅小朋友,一齊慶祝國際兒童節!🎈一眾yuu嘅義工出盡渾身解數,陪住精力無窮嘅小朋友玩遊戲、抽獎🎁等等。義工仲帶咗大批小食禮品包送畀在場每個小朋友!真係滿載而歸,開心到飛起喇🍔🍕🍟~ 感謝yuu每一位義工嘅支持同付出!一齊睇睇當日活動嘅精彩瞬間!📸✨ Seeing the kids' smiles is totally unbeatable and makes everyone super happy! 🙌🙌 Last week, Foodlink and the amazing yuu team threw a fun party for underprivileged children to celebrate International Children's Day! 🎈🎉🎉 The yuu volunteers went all out, playing games, giving out prizes 🎁, and bringing endless energy to the little ones. Plus, we had goodie bags stuffed with delicious treats and snacks for every kid! 🍫🍿🍬 The kids were absolutely over the moon! 🙌🙌 A big thank you to yuu for their support and effort! Let's take a look at some highlights from

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

2 months 1 week ago

Children is our future, promoting sustainability is best to start with them. Thanks to Starbucks Hong Kong partners for giving back with their children on these recycling workshops♻️. They are not just educating the children about upcycling knowledge but also sending a message to the next generation on how to share care and love to the community❤. Way to go kids! 💪 #膳心連 #Foodlink #replacehungerwithasmile #starbuck #upcycling #education

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

2 months 2 weeks ago

意外即係意料之外,當遇上時難免會感到徬徨🤕。十分感謝惠康超級市場為一眾居住在佐敦華豐大廈大火受影響的少數族裔住戶迅速提供緊急食物援助服務🍚🍜。雖然只係簡簡單單油、米、現金劵等日常物資,但對於受惠人仕嚟講都係一份溫暖❤️。希望受影響住戶能盡早安頓下來,回復正常生活。💪 It is a bit anxious if accident happen🤕. A big thanks to 惠康超級市場 Wellcome Supermarket for the quick response supporting the affected Ethnic Minorities families from the New Lucky House conflagration🍚🍜. Although it is just a pack of rice, a bottle of oil, it is also sending care and love in their hour of need❤️. Hope they can settle down as soon as possible and return to normal life. 💪 #膳心連 #foodlink #replacehungerwithasmile

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

3 months 3 days ago


For logistics to run smoothly on the road, good weather is a very important element. But to the Foodlink drivers, that becomes secondary. Whether it's rainy or sunny days☀️🌧, our goal to bring fresh produce to beneficiaries in no time remains a priority🥬🌽. And of course big credits to our partners for "singing in the rain" 🎶🎤😘

#膳心連 #Foodlink #replacehungerwithasmile

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

3 months 2 weeks ago

通常係街買到嘅果汁軟糖都係得好少果汁成份,點都講唔上健康🤢。但作為為下一代健康著想既我哋會唔會諗下自已整💯%果汁糖呢? 早前我哋就請左迪士尼義工隊嚟到Foodlink飲食教室學整果汁軟糖送比小朋友🍬。由切生果,煮果汁到倒模成形都係佢哋一手包辦。睇佢地做到有模有樣就知個個都係廚神👨‍🍳🧑‍🍳。係試味之後義工們都非常滿意製成品,仲有幾位拎左袋拎返去比屋企小朋友食😋。 When we buy fruit gummy from the market, they are usually made of juice concentrate which contain loads of sugar, it doesn’t look like healthy at all🤢. So why don’t we make some 💯% fresh juice fruit gummy for children🍬? We are so happy to cooperate with Disney VoluntEARS to make some tasty healthy fruit gummy for the underprivileged children. All the gummy are handmade and full of love❤️, and they are pleased so send the gummy to the beneficiaries. It tastes so good, some of them even take a few bags to their children😋! #Foodlink #fruitgummy #DisneyVoluntEARS