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Foodlink's News Feed

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

6 days 2 hours ago


For logistics to run smoothly on the road, good weather is a very important element. But to the Foodlink drivers, that becomes secondary. Whether it's rainy or sunny days☀️🌧, our goal to bring fresh produce to beneficiaries in no time remains a priority🥬🌽. And of course big credits to our partners for "singing in the rain" 🎶🎤😘

#膳心連 #Foodlink #replacehungerwithasmile

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

3 weeks 5 hours ago

通常係街買到嘅果汁軟糖都係得好少果汁成份,點都講唔上健康🤢。但作為為下一代健康著想既我哋會唔會諗下自已整💯%果汁糖呢? 早前我哋就請左迪士尼義工隊嚟到Foodlink飲食教室學整果汁軟糖送比小朋友🍬。由切生果,煮果汁到倒模成形都係佢哋一手包辦。睇佢地做到有模有樣就知個個都係廚神👨‍🍳🧑‍🍳。係試味之後義工們都非常滿意製成品,仲有幾位拎左袋拎返去比屋企小朋友食😋。 When we buy fruit gummy from the market, they are usually made of juice concentrate which contain loads of sugar, it doesn’t look like healthy at all🤢. So why don’t we make some 💯% fresh juice fruit gummy for children🍬? We are so happy to cooperate with Disney VoluntEARS to make some tasty healthy fruit gummy for the underprivileged children. All the gummy are handmade and full of love❤️, and they are pleased so send the gummy to the beneficiaries. It tastes so good, some of them even take a few bags to their children😋! #Foodlink #fruitgummy #DisneyVoluntEARS

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

3 weeks 3 days ago

整蘿蔔糕話易唔易話難唔難,但要整得好材料比例好重要‼️,我地又不如試下五星級酒店嘅食譜好唔好味🤤。我地好高興請到香港麗晶酒店大廚聯同匯豐銀行義工為一班老友記舉辦廚藝工作坊。老友記都好專注聽從指示整好一份份新鮮嘅蘿蔔糕。睇吓蒸好出嚟嘅成品幾靚仔😋。係活動結束前每位老友記仲收到節日大禮包一份🎁,你睇吓佢地個個笑到見牙唔見眼就知有得食又有得拎幾開心啦。🤪 Turnip cake is a traditional festival food, but to master this dish need good ingredient rate and experience. So how about having a taste of a five-star hotel recipe🤤. We are so happy to cooperate with Regent Hotel culinary team and volunteers from HSBC to hold a cooking class for our beneficiaries. They are so focus listening to the instruction from the chef, and they have nailed it😋. See how gorgeous the dish looks like. Each participant can also receive a festive goodies bag as a welcome gift🎁, see how happy they are!🤪 #膳心連 #foodlink #replacehungerwithasmile #regenthotel #cookingclass

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

3 weeks 5 days ago

復活節剛過🐰,Foodlink團隊繼續馬不停蹄將愛同心意分享出去❤。早前我哋聯同 一班@foodpanda_hongkong 義工落區舉辦咗一場復活節派對🥳,同小朋友玩遊戲、做手工、抽吓獎🎁。foodpanda義工仲帶左大批禮物送俾大家。 雖然一班義工都要落手落腳做到身水身汗🥵,但見到小朋友嘅笑容所有事都係值得❤。 Easter🐰 is a festival of sharing love and kindness❤. We are so thankful to have organized a Easter party with @foodpanda_hongkong 🥳. We played games, made handcraft and lucky draw with children🎁. They also brought goodies bag as a surprise Easter gift too! Awesome volunteers! ❤ #膳心連 #Foodlink #replacehungerwithasmile #foodpanda #easterparty

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 16 hours ago


【Easter Greetings from Foodlink】
Easter is a time full of chocolate eggs, picnic baskets and cute bunnies, but Easter is also about hope and love. Warm wishes to all of you - our dear supporters and families. May this festival bring you positive energy and great joy to enjoy life!

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 month 1 day ago

【Sending Easter Joy to the Community】 Easter is a good time to send care and love, especially to children who need special caring. Big thanks to Executive Chef Maxime and his culinary team of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong for cooking delicious food to the children and their families of Ronald McDonald House. Yay! 🤩🐣👏 #膳心連 #foodlink #replacehungerwithasmile #lunchparty #fourseasons

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

2 months 1 week ago

普通甜品相信大家都識做🍮,但梳乎厘班戟就唔係個個識整。又要打蛋白💪又要掌握好時間⏱,難度達到五⭐️級。今次Foodlink就聯同四季酒店嘅星級大廚同一班老友記舉行左一場烹飪班🍳。得到一班大廚指導老友記們都整到一份份靚靚嘅梳乎厘,睇下佢地幾有成功感。隔住個營幕都聞到香味! 多謝四季酒店大廚們係百忙中抽時間出嚟準備咗一場五星級烹飪班,見到班老友記🧓👵笑到見牙唔見眼就知佢地玩得幾開心啦!❤️ Making a dessert🍮 seems easy but how about making a souffle pancake? It could be a nightmare if not properly handled💪. We're honored to have the Four Seasons' culinary team to teach our beneficiaries in making a delicious pancake🥞!Under their guidance, making souffle pancake became a piece of cake! See how happy they are! Big thanks to the amazing Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong team. You guys rock!❤️ #膳心連 #Foodlink #replacehungerwithasmile #CookingClass #FourSeasons

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

2 months 2 weeks ago

【膳心連祝您,龍年快樂!!】 龍年即將到來🐲,Foodlink繼續為社區帶來祝福❤。新一年請繼續同我們一起除飢困、展歡容😃!在此,Foodlink衷心祝願各位龍年 平安健康、心想事成! 【Happy New Year of the Dragon Greetings from Foodlink!!】 As the Year of the Dragon approaches🐲, the Foodlink team wishes to send its blessing to the community❤. Join us in our journey to fight hunger in the New Year😃!A healthy and blessed Year of the Dragon from all of us at Foodlink! May it be a prosperous year filled with opportunity. #foodlink #zerowaste #happyCNY

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

2 months 2 weeks ago

在過去一年,Foodlink經歷各種挑戰,令團隊更堅毅和團結💪。全賴大家的支持,讓我們為環保♻️、食物援助🍚和共融社區🤝作出貢獻。感恩有您與我們同行 ❣。

2023 has been a year of unprecedented challenges for us💪. Thank you for empowering Foodlink to achieve Sustainability ♻️& Feeding the Hunger🍚.
Please enjoy our 2023 Review❣️.

#foodlink #zerowaste #foodlink2023 #sustainable

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

2 months 3 weeks ago

只要喺星期四前到惠康購買指定御品皇產品,惠康就會捐一件畀膳心連。而每賣一公斤御品皇米,惠康就會捐出$1,即係買一包八公斤米,我哋就會收到$8 捐款!今次係兔年最後機會喇! 仲唔即刻落街加餸啦🏃🏃‍♀️!!!!

Year of Dragon is coming🐲, best time to gather with family🍚, how about also sending love to the community❤️?
Until Thursday this week, every purchase of specific Yu Pin King product converts to dollar donation to Foodlink. The more you buy, the more love you share, act now🏃🏃‍♀️!!