• +852 2567 1561

"We act as a bridge"

We are a charity dedicated to connecting the supply directly to the demand, by collecting safe-to-eat surplus food from F&B outlets all over the city and deliver to those in need. The benefits are twofold — while reducing hunger, we also reduce the pressure on our city’s landfills.


About us

Founded in 2001, Foodlink Foundation is a registered Hong Kong charity dedicated to fighting hunger, building self-sufficiency, and fostering nutritional wellness among those in need..


The amount of food waste arising from the commercial and industrial sectors has increased over 10 years – from less than 850 tons per day in 2007, to about 1,070 tons per day in 2019.


Food donors and partners are the lifeblood of Foodlink. They are identified according to location and the needs of the nearest recipient charity, thereby reducing transit time and ensuring freshness...

Our team

Our directors and operation teams work collaboratively and committedly toward goal of reducing food waste and "Replacing Hunger with a Smile".


Donate and support


DBS 1 : 1 Matching Fund Donation Program

Food assistance for the vulnerable has never been more vital during the 5th wave. From now till 25 March 2022, for every dollar you contribute, DBS HK will match it...

Target: $5,000.00
0 % Pledged So Far

News & activities

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

1 week 18 hours ago

📚 Join the "Readathon - Pages of the Mind" to Support Foodlink! ✨ Reading enriches our minds and helps our community! @sustainify.sdg 's 'Readathon - Pages of the Mind' promotes mental wellness among youth and raises funds for charities like

Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金

3 weeks 19 hours ago

【真係「啡We Green」~】 膳心連基金一直以來都好努力喺各區收集可食用嘅剩食,然後捐畀有需要嘅社群。呢個過程真係需要好多餐飲、零售、社區團體同埋慈善機構嘅支持同信任,我哋先可以做到咁多嘢。 7-Eleven Hong Kong係我哋膳心連嘅好夥伴,佢哋一直都全力支持我哋,讓我哋去佢哋門市收集短期食物同剩餘麵包,派畀有需要嘅人。所以,感謝7-Eleven邀請膳心連參與《啡We Green咖啡渣再生企劃》成為慈善合作夥伴,我哋即刻覺得可以發揮我哋嘅強項,連結更多嘅慈善機構,令成件事變得更有影響力,幫助更多嘅人🎉。所以,真係好榮幸可以參與呢個Project! 計劃好有意義,將7CAFÉ嘅咖啡渣收集並處理,變成有機肥料,送去我哋另一個長期合作夥伴 — 老友記慈善農莊 — 種植新鮮有機蔬菜,然後透過我哋膳心連,送去畀社區上有需要嘅朋友。🌱🥗 請大家支持呢個環保又有愛心嘅《啡We Green》計劃啦!一齊幫助超過10,000名有需要嘅朋友💚,提供營養蔬菜膳餐🍲,同時建立一個綠色循環🌍,為地球出一分力啦!🌿🤝 Foodlink Foundation has always been working hard to collect surplus food from various districts and donate it to those in need. This whole process relies on

Our partners

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It's food, not waste !

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